Salomon Espinosa Diaz



Supervisore tesi: Dott. Francesco Riccioli

Titolo Progetto: Analyzing transaction costs in agri-environment-climate measures

Abstract: Agri-environment-climate measures (AECM), also known as Agri-environmental schemes (AES), were devised with the intention of compensating land users for potential income losses generated from the uptake of more appropriate, less intensive management practices in areas considered environmentally sensitive. These policy tools are ultimately based on a transaction of ecological capital between the farmer as the seller and the government as the buyer of the agri-environmental goods and services.  However, the public nature of these goods makes it difficult to articulate property rights in a complete and effective way, causing information asymmetry, uncertainty and consequently market failure, which in turn may lead to opportunistic behavior or measurement problems. In order to manage these shortfalls, the actors involved in the transaction must undertake additional actions, and by doing so transaction costs (TC) are generated. Considering TC when designing these kinds of policies is essential, especially when targeting wicked environmental and natural resource issues, because if TC are too high, farmers may feel less willing to enroll and participate in public programs, which can lead to a lower uptake and efficiency of the policy. The goal of this research is to provide deeper insights regarding the perceptions of TC in AES as well as the factors or combinations of factors that can influence those perceptions. This way, both farmers and policy makers, will be better equipped to enrolled into or design new and more efficient AES.