Supervisore/i tesi: Prof.ssa Francesca Bonelli
Titolo Progetto: Utilizzo dei biomarker per la diagnosi di mastiti nella bovina da latte.
Abstract: Lo studio ha come scopo quello di valutare le modifiche che avvengono sulle concentrazioni plasmatiche di alcuni biomarcatori in corso di mastite clinica e subclinica nella bovina da latte. I biomarcatori oggetto dello studio saranno la procalcitonina (PCT), le proteine carbonilate (PCC) e la dimetilarginina asimmetrica (ADMA). In umana sono molte le pubblicazioni che hanno correlato un aumento di questi marker con presenza di sepsi batterica, shock settico e infiammazione dovuta a cause batteriche. Recentemente hanno assunto interesse anche in medicina veterinaria ma non sono ancora state studiate le loro concentrazione in corso di infiammazioni mammarie nel bovino.
Project title: Use of biomarkers for the diagnosis of mastitis in dairy cows.
Abstract: The aim of the study is to evaluate the plasmatic concentrations of several biomarkers in dairy cows affected by clinical and subclinical mastitis. Procalcitonin (PCT), carbonylated proteins (PCC), asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) will be evaluated.
In humans, the increase of plasmatic concentrations of these biomarkers is already related to bacterial sepsis, septic shock and inflammation due to bacteria. Recently, they have been investigated also in veterinary medicine but studies about changes in their concentrations under mastitic episodes in cows are lacking.
- Vitale V, Bonelli F, Conte G, Orsetti C, Van Galen G, Verwilghen D, Sgorbini M (2022). Novel board game versus active case-based discussion to teach final-year veterinary students the diagnostic approach to clinical cases. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, e20210016.
- Orsetti C, Vitale V, Mortola J, Sgorbini M, Bonelli F (2022). Respiratory sinus arrhythmia magnitude quantification as a potential marker of stress and pain in cows and sheep. Veterinary Research Communications, 1-6.
- Turini L, Madrigali A, Sgorbini M, Orsetti C, Rizk A, Bonelli F (2022). Critical points assessment of hoof lesion manifestation in dairy cows: a preliminary study of a new scoring system. Veterinarski arhiv, 1(92), 37-44. DOI: 10.24099/vet.arhiv.1048
- Meucci V, Orsetti C, Sgorbini M, Battaglia F, Cresci M, Bonelli F (2022). Can procalcitonin be dosed in bovine milk using a commercial ELISA Kit? Animals, 12: 289.
- Bonelli F, Orsetti C, Turini L, Meucci V, Pierattini A, Sgorbini M, Citi S (2020). Mammary Cistern Size during the Dry Period in Healthy Dairy Cow: A Preliminary Study for an Ultrasonographic Evaluation. Animals 10(11); 2082.
- Papini R.A., Orsetti C., Sgorbini M (2020). A controlled study on efficacy and egg reappearance period of Ivermectin in donkeys naturally infected with small strongyles. Helminthologia 57(2); 163-170.
- Papini R.A., Orsetti C., Sgorbini M (2020). Evaluation of a marketed polyherbal dewormer against intestinal strongyles in naturally infected donkeys. Helminthologia 57(1); 78-82.
Comunicazioni orali a congresso
- “Ultrasonographic evaluation of the udder cistern area in healthy quarters and in quarters affected by clinical and subclinical mastitis: preliminary data Evaluation of procalcitonin concentrations in plasma and milk in healthy cows.” Orsetti C, Sgorbini M, Cervelli A, Citi S, Bonelli F. SISVET Congress 2022.
- “Aritmia respiratoria sinusale nei bovini e nelle pecore”. Orsetti C, Vitale V, Sgorbini M, Bonelli F, Mortola JP. Congresso organizzato dai dottorandi di Medicina Veterinaria dell’Università di Pisa dal titolo “Everything is Breathingh – aspetti clinici e diagnostici nei pazienti con problematiche respiratorie”, 26 Ottobre 2021.
- “Evaluation of procalcitonin concentrations in plasma and milk in healthy cows.” Orsetti C, Sgorbini M, Meucci V, Cresci M, Bonelli F. SISVET Congress 2021.